Tuesday, October 7, 2008

what happens when you don't fit in as a Republican or a Democrat?

I never considered myself a bleeding heart liberal but I guess I am when it comes to social issues. I'm more moderate when it comes to fiscal issues. But before I go on I'd like to take this time to make a PSA

There are more than 2 parties in the United States presidential race. You do NOT have to choose Reps or the Dems.

With that in mind I decided to investigate my other options. I cannot support either McCain (too conservative especially with his running mate) nor Obama (not liberal enough- I'm disappointed in his stance on gay issues amongst other things). So I took a test. One of those plot yourself on the political pie chart thingies. In one test I came out a socialist on the other a Libertarian.

So off I went to Bob Barr's site for the Libertarian ticket. Too conservative in some areas (oil drilling, border closing, health care) but just right in other areas (Iraq war, privacy rights, foreign intervention, marriage rights). The rest of the areas I'm undecided on whether I agree with him or not.

After checking out the socialist ticket I've decided I can't go there.

I'm on to the Green Party Candidate. I like this one. I like it because I agree with their entire platform. I like the fact that it is a return to a true democratic state which I really don't think we have right now.