Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I joined Blogger

Why-eeee??????? because, quite simply, it seemed like the right time. I've been wanting to for a while and I have a jenky one over at another site. But, I barely keep up with that one. That means I don't really write in it ever. Mostly I use it so that I can stalk other peoples journals. :)

This will be my real journal. The one where I actually write down the thoughts in my head. I already do this of course. On paper. I like paper, you see. And lists. Lists are very important to me.

The format here will be mostly my ramlings. I don't expect people to really ever read this. People other than me of course. If people wander in here of course they are welcome to stay

1 comment:

Maryellen Pienta said...

Ciao! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I've been in the States for the summer and recently returned for the school year . . . have been busy and not done anything much of interest. I WILL, though! Happy writing yourself!